
The British Royal School is inspired by the need to be an educational option for families looking for a bilingual education, as well as to respond to this same need.
This idea is based on the teaching of English as a second language focused on students as the centre of learning. Being English considered not only as an educational tool, but also as a mean of communication that enriches both personal and professional areas of development, in this globalized world that continues to expand with every passing day.
Our objective.
To achieve our ideals, previously mentioned, our educational project is set in the four pillars provided by Chilean Ministry of Education:
– Learning to know
– Learn to act
– Learning to be
– Learning to live together

Our inspiration
It comes from the desire to form a student as human being with the ability to:

– Discover the joy of forming their own identity, freedom and responsibility.
– Understand their capacity to grow permanently.
– Follow societal duties and responsibilities with themselves and the society.
– Reach personal fulfilment, through the development of their abilities, their shared existence as a member of a community and solidarity in meaningful interactions with others.